The sacred space companion


For the first time, The Sacred Space Companion brings together reflections on the story of Sacred Space thus far with a wealth of seasonal reflections by Irish Jesuits and all those connected to the work of the Irish Province. Including contemporary prayers by Irish Jesuits, an introduction to Ignatian spirituality, a collection of Ignatian prayers, and an Advent and Lent retreat, The Sacred Space Companion is a companion for a whole year of reflection in the Ignatian tradition.

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Spanning both the highly successful Sacred Space: The Prayerbook series and the multilingual, global, Sacred Space moves with the modern world to create both a personal and globally collective space for reflection. In one braid it binds the instant connectivity of the twenty-first century and the prayerful practices of two thousand years of Christianity. 

For the first time, The Sacred Space Companion brings together reflections on the story of Sacred Space thus far with a wealth of seasonal reflections by Irish Jesuits and all those connected to the work of the Irish Province. Including contemporary prayers by Irish Jesuits, an introduction to Ignatian spirituality, a collection of Ignatian prayers, and an Advent and Lent retreat, The Sacred Space Companion is a companion for a whole year of reflection in the Ignatian tradition.

Last date for ordering to guarantee arrival is Saturday, 21st of December. Dismiss