The Game of Life and How to Play It


This is a spiritual book about how best to participate in the game of life. Drawing on Biblical teachings, Florence Scovel-Shinn shows how everyone can change their conditions and circumstances to lead a better life.

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First published in 1925, this little book has inspired thousands of people around the world to find a sense of purpose and belonging. It remains as relevant today as when it was written, and reveals that life is not a battle but a game – a game of giving and receiving. Whatever we send out into the world will eventually be returned to us, which means that if we give love, we will be loved; but if we hate we will in turn feel hated. Through what we give and receive, we shape our reality.

Discover how your mind and its imaging faculty play a leading role in the game of life. Whatever you imagine or focus upon will sooner or later be experienced as part of your world. This little book will show you how you can change your life, leave your regrets behind and create your own dazzling future.

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